“Regrediors” – those who are taking us backwords – has been conceived by Ozero &  Salbozer as a rather intimate and dissatisfied display of disturbing affection for the contemporary era, were an endless herd of leaders, visionaries and sent-from-heaven prophets came upon us infecting the surroundings, erasing any shape that faith in humanity could be embodied by.

“Regrediors” is a feverish collection of 5000 NFT crafted by hand, whose aim is to participate to the unfathomable collapse others have endured upon our inner self while paving the road to salvation.
Each NFT can be also become a printed artwork limited to 1/1 piece.

Oneiroid distortions, evanescent forms, unexpected hues of stellar sparkle are combined to portray the pure delirium we have been constantly living by. Promises of freedom and care crushed under the feet of an impending bestiality which seem to have conquered any dimension. An unquenchable
feeling of horror and amusement, a betrayed humanity and an anguish self –Detangor is ready to escort you towards a destabilizing journey in all our unsolved fears, our immense sense of nothing, staring into an appearance of beauty as sole consolation.